AMAZING NEWS! As of Sunday, September 1st, principal photography of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's next film, "
The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us," is
Despite hot, sticky weather and a relentless onslaught of mosquito attacks, the cast and crew spent a good chunk of the month of August filming the final scenes of what promises to be the funniest and most thrilling Mihmiverse film yet!
As you can see from the photo above, the cast was
ESPECIALLY excited to be done and they look forward to sharing their hard work with the worldparticularly because these dedicated young actors, in essence, gave up their precious summer vacations to shoot a movie! According to writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, he found himself consistently impressed with the cast's talents and work ethic, especially in light of the grueling schedule and weather conditions.
AND, being that he's the father of several main cast members, he feels a genuine sense of pride at their spectacular work!
Now that the active production phase of the film has come to an end, the kids have returned to school and Mr. Mihm is settling in to edit the dozens of hours of footage into a coherent, entertaining whole! As of the publication date of this newsletter, he has roughly 30 minutes of the film edited and expects to continue working into early next year...just in time to start filming the
NEXT Mihmiverse film: the long-in-gestation horror-comedy, "
That Which Lurks in the Dark!"
Should post-production go smoothly, we anticipate the film will be released in early Spring 2020! As always, when we know the
EXACT date of the world premiere, we'll let you know right here in the
Mihmiverse Monthly!
In "
The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us," a local man is suspected of having been transformed into a hideous monster and it's up to a scrappy gang of local kids to uncover the truth and save Phantom Lake Countyand everyone in itfrom certain doom! Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm is creating a "triple tribute" to the creature-features of the 1950s, the history of the Mihmiverse, and "
Scooby Doo!"
According to Mr. Mihm, this film will follow Danny Johnson (last seen in 2015's "
Danny Johnson Saves The World"), his sister Evelyn and three of their buddies on another adventure into the Mihmiverse. This one, however, will be special in that it is being specifically designed to reference as much "Mihmiverse history" as possible and will include a bevy of familiar faces, characters and locations!
The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us" is currently in post production! Should everything work out, it seems that 2020 will be a banner year for the 'verse, with potentially
TWO features slated to be released during the year!
AND, following the overwhelming success of
contribution programs for writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's past films,
contributor credits for this new film are
STILL AVAILABLE for purchase!
For each $25.00 donation, all
contributors will be entitled to having a single name
* of their choosing listed in the
contributors section of the closing credits of the film, a customized, frame-able document certifying their participation in the program and one (
1) copy of the finished film! Additional copies of the film and/or world premiere tickets may be pre-ordered as "add-ons" ($10 each) with the purchase of at least one credit.
DON'T FORGET!Credits can even be given as gifts! Imagine the looks on the faces of your loved ones when they find out their names will be immortalized on the silver screen!
AND, just because the film is in the post-production stage doesn't mean it still doesn't need funds! In fact, now is when it needs them the most to ensure the movie is completed without delay!
*CREDIT(S) Separate credits by commas, & or "and."
NOTE: If you purchase one of the following credits, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will contact you shortly after to discuss your purchase!
*A single credit is defined as the name of one (1) person or corporate entity. Any credit requiring the word "and," an ampersand (&), and/or a comma (except when part of a legal company name) will constitute multiple credits and MUST BE paid for separately.
NOTE: The contributor program is an "equal exchange" program, which means specifically that those participating have NO SAY in the decisions or actions taken by anyone involved in the actual production of the film and are NOT entitled to ANY possible future profits earned by the film, derivative works, and/or merchandise created for or featuring elements from the film. Becoming an contributor does not entitle the participant to ANY ownership WHATSOEVER of the finished film or associated elements.
After doing some extensive deep cleaning of the "Saint Euphoria Archives" (also known as writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's garage), the
The Monster of Phantom Lake" monster costume has been
Much to the surprise of Mr. Mihm and his "cleaning crew," the remains of the body suit worn by "monster-of-all-trades" Michael Kaiser was located in a plastic storage container beneath a pile of similar containers. The body portion of the costume was believed to have been lost, with the mask and hands thought to be the only pieces to survive the last 15 years.
Because this unexpected treasure has been unearthed,
YOU now have a chance to own a piece of it! For only $19.99 plus $3.99 shipping and handling, you'll receive an individually-numbered, framed piece of the monster costume signed by both writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and the monster himself, Michael Kaiser! This is a limited-time offer and will
ONLY be available through this edition of the
Mihmiverse Monthly newsletter!
Imagine owning this unique piece of Mihmiverse and cinema history...then get yours while they're available! Don't hesitate! Order now!

Due to popular demand, this exclusive offer is being extended for an additional month...but
ONLY until the end of September! As the summer comes to an end and we start to enter the "Halloween season," we want to continue to give you a less-expensive way to own the
ENTIRE Mihmiverse catalog in the highest quality versions currently available
With this offeronly available through this newsletteryou can now own the entire collection of Mihmiverse Blu-Rays for
ONLY $99.99! These discs normally run $19.99 each and, with eight discs (14 titles) total, that's a cost of $159.92! Through this sale, you'll save almost $60! Also, if you've been on the fence about "upgrading" your collection, this is the
BEST deal you're
EVER going to get!