If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for other columns, OR if you're interested in writing one, please contact us at info@sainteuphoria.com and let us know what you think!
"The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us" World Premiere
June 30th, 2021 — digital premiere @ vimeo.com!

The 16th Mihmiverse film in as many years, "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us" is finally arriving! After its release was delayed over a YEAR due to the pandemic, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has decided on an alternative release schedule for the film—with its digital debut at the very end of this month!

The film will be EXCLUSIVELY available to rent on the Mihmiverse Vimeo VOD portal until early September, when it will be released on DVD & Blu-Ray. Then, should COVID numbers continue their current downward trend and it is safe to do so, we will hold an in-theater Phantom Lake Kids double-feature live premiere of "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us" and "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Unseen Invasion" in late-September/early-October!

If you paid for advance tickets to the original "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us" world premiere last year, you'll be able to use those tickets to get free access codes to watch the film on Vimeo, redeem them for DVDs or Blu-Rays, hold on to them as admission to the double-feature live event later this year (fingers crossed!), or a combination of all three.

We will be reaching out to every person who ordered advanced tickets VERY SOON to make sure everyone gets exactly what they want so, if you're one of these people, watch your inbox!

Lastly, the film will be made available on Vimeo as close to midnight as possible on the 30th and its arrival will be announced on the main page of sainteuphoria.com AND across all Mihmiverse social media!


As post-production of "The Mihmiverse Holiday Special" churns on, we are excited to announce that principal photography of the third film in the Phantom Lake Kids trilogy, "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Day the Earth Abruptly Almost Ended," has begun!

As of the publication date of this newsletter, one-third of the film is already "in the can," BUT a slew of scenes involving elaborate special effects remain and, therefore, as Professor Jackson might say, "Much work is yet to be done!"

To get you extra excited about this film, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has provided us with a cool teaser image which, we're told, shows the Phantom Lake Kids gang (plus a certain well-known lawman on his day off) outside the entrance of a very familiar cave!

Check it out below!

Should everything remain on-schedule, this film will be released in the Spring of 2022—and don't forget that you can still contribute to "The Mihmiverse Holiday Special" and get your name in the end credits! The special is ALMOST complete and will be released this coming holiday season!


In "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Day The Earth Abruptly Almost Ended," Phantom Lake County is shaken by inexplicable earthquakes emanating from a local system of caves and being overrun by grossly mutated creatures of unusual size—a phenomenon which may point to the return of a long-since-forgotten menace! Thankfully, the Phantom Lake Kids (Danny & Evelyn Johnson and their friends Billy Blue, Butch, and Chip) are "on the job" and determined to solve the real mystery: what's the deal with Butch's magic hat?

As has been reiterated many, many times, the Mihmiverse is only made possible by contributions from fans like you. For each $20.00 donation, all contributors will be entitled to having a single name* of their choosing listed in the contributors section of the closing credits of the film and a customized, frame-able document certifying their contribution!

IMPORTANT! Physical media copies of the finished film are NOT automatically included with a basic contribution. If you would like to be guaranteed a DVD or Blu-Ray of the film when it is released, you MUST order it separately (with the purchase of at least one credit)!

Credits can even be given as gifts! Imagine the looks on the faces of your loved ones when they find out their names will be immortalized on the silver screen!

"The Phantom Lake Kids in The Day The Earth Abruptly Almost Ended"
Separate credits by commas, & or "and." 
DVDS (+$10 each)
BLU-RAYS (+$20 each)
Is your mailing address outside of the U.S.?
(All non-U.S. mailing addresses will be charged a shipping premium for physical media.)


NOTE: If you purchase one of the following credits, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will contact you shortly after to discuss your purchase!

Associate producers will earn IMDb and on-screen credits and will be allowed certain privileges of producership, including free, exclusive merchandise and other perks (TBD).
Executive producers will earn IMDb and on-screen credits and will be allowed certain privileges of producership, including free, exclusive merchandise, set visits, and other perks (TBD).

*A single credit is defined as the name of one (1) person or corporate entity. Any credit requiring the word "and," an ampersand (&), and/or a comma (except when part of a legal company name) will constitute multiple credits and MUST BE paid for separately.

NOTE: The contributor program is an "equal exchange" program, which means specifically that those participating have NO SAY in the decisions or actions taken by anyone involved in the actual production of the film and are NOT entitled to ANY possible future profits earned by the film, derivative works, and/or merchandise created for or featuring elements from the film. Becoming an contributor does not entitle the participant to ANY ownership WHATSOEVER of the finished film or associated elements.


The latest Mihmiverse film, "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Unseen Invasion," is here! It's proving to be quite popular with fans and, from "tea time with Butch" to Alice Johnson's reactions and Billy Blue's shenanigans, everyone seems to be coming away with their own favorite moments!

The first-ever Mihmiverse film to hold its debut digitally, the "premiere edition" (which included over an hour of special features) is no longer available. However, it is still possible to view the film (minus the extra content) on Vimeo!

If you did miss out on the special premiere edition (or hope to see some of the special features again), you're in luck! The physical media versions of the film contain some of those extras, including the blooper reel, interviews with the cast, exclusive photo galleries, and more! Blu-Rays and DVDs of the film are now IN STOCK, so order yours today!

Stuck in their house during a government-mandated worldwide quarantine, the Phantom Lake Kids (Danny Johnson, his sisters Alice and Evelyn, and their wacky friends Butch, Chip, and Billy Blue) are shocked when most of the gang inexplicably disappears in a flash of light—then reappears moments later! When Alice doesn't return, the rest must meticulously (and hilariously) unravel the mystery behind her disappearance and the invisible forces behind it! Could it be... aliens?

The disc includes a high-quality digital transfer of the film, a blooper reel, two photo galleries, feature-length commentary with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, and more!

Feature Run Time: 1 hour, 4 minutes. Black & White, Widescreen, NOT RATED.

$9.99 (DVD) / $19.99 (Blu-Ray)
(+$4.99 shipping & handling)

Check here if the shipping address is outside of the U.S.
Check here to include writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's autograph
NOTE: Autographs require removal of a disc's protective plastic wrap.
By selecting this option, you agree to allow us to do this!


Own a signed copy of the official Mihmiverse promotional photo taken by Christi Jean Williams (Mrs. Davis in "Queen of Snakes") of Grinkie Photography!

Every 8x10 photo will personally be signed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm! Order NOW!

Signed Mihmiverse Monsters 8" x 10" Photo
$6.99ON SALE!
(+$1.99 shipping & handling)
The latest episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast has arrived!

This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm purposely quotes Jim Morrison, talks about the forthcoming digital release of "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us," and discusses the status of "The Mihmiverse Holiday Special" and "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Day the Earth Abruptly Almost Ended!"

Also included: The next installment in the new audiocast segment, "An Oral History of the Mihmiverse," and another episode of "Atomic Tales," a monthly short story from the author of "The Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy," Stephen D. Sullivan!

To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit archive.org where the file is stored, or download it free from Apple Podcasts!

Otherwise, if you'd like to listen to the episode right from this browser window, click the play button on the player below!

The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and is focused specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse. In addition, Mr. Mihm will discuss the monster movie-making process, touch briefly on the future of the 'verse, pontificate on random subjects, and be joined by guests from within and without the Mihmiverse. PLUS, each episode will include something unique you won't find anywhere else!

Welcome to the Mihmiverse Monthly feature where we talk to YOU, the fans! Every month, we choose a random Mihmivite and ask them a few Mihmiverse-related questions in an attempt to get to know them better and find out what they REALLY think about the films of Christopher R. Mihm!

This month, we interview Wayne (Reed) Knazek!

Introduce yourself to the Mihmiverse!
Hey! Wayne (Reed) Knazek here. I'm a retired MFG Quality Engineer and Computer Programmer, a life-long martial artist and performing musician. Being retired, I have a lot more time for doing the things I really enjoy: gigging, martial arts and... watching old sci-fis! I perform in Ohio and Florida mostly. I don't know how active I'll stay in martial arts. I'm 72, but in my younger days I served as an occasional body guard, and did some pretty scary undercover work for law enforcement. I think I'll probably stick with music and movies for now! LOL! I've been married for 45 years and have four kids, three dogs, two cats, and the occasional ghost. We're currently restoring our 1837 century home. It was a central spot for underground railroad activity back in the day. Lots of stories, lots of ghosts!

When and how did you discover the films of Christopher R. Mihm?
The first movie I watched, "Cave Women on Mars," was just before I retired almost 4 years ago. I often worked late into the night, and would run a movie or sit-com "in the background" while I worked on my PC. I was looking for a sci-fi, and saw the title. Decided to watch it. I was working away, only kinda watching the movie at first. I remember it starting, and thinking "Oh, cool! It's an OLDIE B&W!" But I kept getting pulled into the movie, and within a few minutes I maximized the screen, sat back, and just watched the movie—work could wait! I loved the movie!

As the hook was starting to snag me, I did some homework and found out the movie was made in 2008! WHAT!? That intrigued me so I started searching for more Mihmiverse info and info about writer/director Christopher R. Mihm. Yeah, I was hooked! HA!

If you had to pick just ONE, which of the Mihmiverse films would be your favorite? How do you decide that? I mean, a Lieutenant finds true love in outer space. True love! Or a scientist stumbles upon one of the most important scientific discoveries of his lifetime! A creature lives in the lake! Ghosts! A giant spider! And who doesn't like a good Nazi Hunter movie!? Dr. Vincent Edwards (Mike Cook) quickly became my favorite cast member. But... okay, I gotta go with... Lieutenant Elliott encounters unimaginable excitement in the form of true love! I'm going with "Cave Women on Mars."

Tell us how you, in particular, show your "Mihmiverse pride!"
There isn't a person on the planet who knows me who doesn't know I'm a real sci-fi buff! Most of my family is as well. If sci-fi comes up in a discussion, so does the Mihmiverse! I like adding a blurb and a link on our band fliers. Just a note: "Love sci-fi? Check out the Mihmiverse!" I'm also currently working on a page to add to my music web site. When it's done, I'll run it past Mr. Mihm for approval and then launch the page. There will be a picture and link on my home page. It'll be on my main site at thewaynereedconnection.com. (Wayne Reed is my stage name.)

Where would you like to see the Mihmiverse go in the future?
I'm torn between wanting to see something along the line of some of the past movies, and seeing something really new and different! Some of the great movies of the era were "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde," the original "The Time Machine," "Forbidden Planet," and "Creature From The Black Lagoon," "The Blob!," and "Day of the Triffids." Pod People (also known as " Invasion of the Body Snatchers") was a killer movie as well. The original "The Nutty Professor" was a great sci-fi-ish comedy! That was a spoof on the original Robert Louis Stevenson's 1886 novel "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"

The Mihmiverse has the "Creature From The Black Lagoon" covered with "The Monster of Phantom Lake." But the other movies are totally different from what he's done so far. Maybe a pod people movie, with more than one part for some actors. Like body doubles, or split universes/dimensions... mild mannered Dr. Vincent Edwards meets the sinister, evil Mr. Ed!
Want to be interviewed for a future edition of the Mihmiverse Fan Focus? Send an email to info@sainteuphoria.com and let us know! Maybe next month the subject will be YOU!
Human Cyborg Relations

Robots have played a role in sci-fi films since the silent era. 1927's "Metropolis" is still considered a classic, and after "Star Wars" premiered 50 years later, dozens of "robo-centric" films were produced, many of them modern classics.

But between those two milestones, the 1950s yielded several films featuring robots—some good and some not-so-much.

Below is a list of 7 films, followed by a list of plot points and/or information. Your job, as always, is to match 'em up—without using any artificial intelligence!

1. "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951)
2. "Robot Monster" (1953)
3. "Tobor the Great " (1954)
4. "Devil Girl from Mars" (1954)
5. "Forbidden Planet" (1956)
6. "Kronos" (1957)
7. "The Colossus of New York" (1958)

A. A brilliant surgeon puts his dead son's brain into a robot and things do NOT go well.
B. A starship crew sets out to discover why an Earth colony has gone silent. One more clue: Robby the Robot!
C. A female alien and her menacing robot come to Earth looking for breeding stock (for the alien, not the robot)!
D. A young boy befriends his grandfather's robot—a test pilot for space travel. Unfortunately, foreign spies make things difficult for everyone.
E. A robot is about to kill the last family on Earth, until it falls in love with their beautiful daughter.
F. (1993) A huge alien robot invades our planet to suck up all the energy it can.
G. It's about aliens and a metaphor for world peace, but it also features a robot enforcer who has been ordered to destroy humanity if necessary.
Scroll to the bottom of the Mihmiverse Monthly for the answers.
— Mike Cook
Beginning of the End (1957)
Directed by Bert I. Gordon
Starring Peter Graves and Peggie Castle

In "Beginning of the End," director Bert I. Gordon does what he does best: craft a classic sci-fi film centered around an oversized threat hell bent on death and destruction. This time, grasshoppers have been made gargantuan after ingesting government-sanctioned, radiation-mutated vegetables. As with all things radiation-related in the 1950s, this is definitely a BAD THING because the unstoppable swarm is headed for Chicago! Heartthrob scientist Peter Graves and sexy reporter Peggie Castle do everything in their power to stay ahead of the horde and try desperately to find some way to stop the menacing insects. Bert I. Gordon has always been one of my favorite retro directors. He's responsible for a whole host of great B-movie classics (many of which involve size mutations) from "Attack of the Puppet People" to "The Amazing Colossal Man," its sequel "War of the Colossal Beast," and "Earth vs. The Spider." "Beginning of the End" highlights Mr. Gordon's talent for creating memorable, special effects-driven pictures that knew how to push all the right "drive-in cinema" buttons. The giant bugs in this movie were all filmed using real grasshoppers that were later composited into scenes to create an effectively creepy-crawly experience for the viewer. As absurd as the premise sounds, the movie is highly entertaining from start to finish. Definitely a must-see!
— Christopher R. Mihm
If you're like most people these days, you tend to stream your favorite TV shows and movies, particularly because it's way more convenient and you have access to them in more places! Did you know that there are now several places to stream the entire Mihmiverse catalog?

From the movie that started it all, "The Monster of Phantom Lake," to its musical offshoot, "The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!," and "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Unseen Invasion," everything you need to "visit" the denizens of Phantom Lake County is available for your streaming pleasure!

Most of the films of the Mihmiverse are available on Amazon Video. Sadly, as Amazon continues to revise and rewrite its policies, they have—without notice—downgraded the entire Mihmiverse catalog from "available with Prime" to rental only—except, inexplicably, "Attack of the Moon Zombies!" Though this wasn't entirely unexpected, given the way the service has been slowly ridding itself of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, we CANNOT guarantee that they will still be there on any given day! So, if Amazon is your preferred place to watch the Mihmiverse, enjoy it while it lasts!

Drive-in Monsters is the official Mihmiverse Roku channel and the place to find all the films of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm—in addition to a collection of special features curated by the man himself! It is Mr. Mihm's plan to add some really cool, exclusive content over time, so we encourage you to add the channel to your Roku lineup. To find the Drive-in Monsters channel, simply search for it through your Roku service!

As of right now, the service is offered completely free... but, that most likely will not last forever! So make sure to enjoy the Drive-in Monsters Roku channel while it's still completely free of charge!

Lastly, the ENTIRE filmography of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm (including the newest film, "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Unseen Invasion") is available for both rental and purchase through the Mihmiverse Vimeo VOD portal!

Every film is presented using the same ultra high-quality renders used for the official Blu-Ray releases and actually feeds video content to the Drive-in Monsters Roku channel. Most importantly, the Mihmiverse Vimeo VOD portal is the ONLY PLACE to legally own the films digitally!
Mihmiverse DVDs & Blu-Rays are now available at SaintEuphoria.com, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm. In addition, exclusive movie posters, collectibles and other merchandise are now in stock. Everything is available in extremely limited quantities, so get yours today before they run out!
The Trivia Corner answers: 1-G, 2-E, 3-D, 4-C, 5-B, 6-F, 7-A

Copyright © and All Rights Reserved
Saint Euphoria LLC 2021

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