If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for other columns, OR if you're interested in writing one, please contact us at info@sainteuphoria.com and let us know what you think!
"The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us" World Premiere
The 16th Mihmiverse film in as many years, "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us" is finally here! After its release was delayed over a YEAR due to the pandemic, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm decided on an alternative release schedule for the film—with its digital debut taking place at the end of last month!

As of the writing of this newsletter, the film has not yet received any true feedback but, as the saying goes, "Good things come to those who wait," and based on the small amount of anecdotal evidence we have been able to gather, good things have definitely come after a very long wait!

From now until September, the film is exclusively available to rent on the Mihmiverse Vimeo VOD portal. It it scheduled to be released on DVD & Blu-Ray on September 3rd and can be pre-ordered HERE (or farther down this very newsletter!). Should COVID numbers continue their current downward trend and it becomes absolutely safe to do so, we will hold an in-theater Phantom Lake Kids double-feature live premiere of "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us" and "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Unseen Invasion" in late-September/early-October!

We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their patience with this film and its release. Obviously we would have preferred to release it last year when we intended to, but it was very much out of our hands! Still, we're grateful to finally be able to share all the hard work that went into "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us!" Just remember, when you watch the Phantom Lake Kids movies, despite the order in which they were released, this new film comes BEFORE "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Unseen Invasion" in the actual in-universe chronology!




"The Mihmiverse Holiday Special" has entered its final stages and will reach 100% by the end of the month—with plenty of time to spare before its official release on Thanksgiving Day! Expect us to put some extra focus on the project as we get closer to the holiday season! For now, however, the Mihmiverse crew is laser-focused on the NEXT Mihmiverse feature, "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Day the Earth Abruptly Almost Ended!"

Roughly one-half of the film has been shot and over 10 minutes of fully-assembled, edited footage is complete, including (but definitely NOT limited to) the scene from which we were provided this month's still!

As you can see, the shot below shows a VERY LARGE chicken on (what we presume to be) a rampage! Something interesting we noticed: the area where this (presumably) out-of-control fowl is running amok looks very similar to the area where the dinosaur chased young Danny Johnson in "Danny Johnson Saves the World." Asked whether or not that was intentional, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm cryptically said, "Let's just say, every movie I make starts with a simple idea and this chicken was the true beginning of this one!"

Principal photography of "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Day the Earth Abruptly Almost Ended" is scheduled through the end of this month. Since most of this movie is being shot outside, there does exist the possibility that fluctuations in the weather may push the end date back, but it is anticipated to be complete before the actors have to return to school in the fall! As long as things continue to progress the way they have so far, this film will be released in the Spring of 2022!


In "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Day The Earth Abruptly Almost Ended," Phantom Lake County is shaken by inexplicable earthquakes emanating from a local system of caves and being overrun by grossly mutated creatures of unusual size—a phenomenon which may point to the return of a long-since-forgotten menace! Thankfully, the Phantom Lake Kids (Danny & Evelyn Johnson and their friends Billy Blue, Butch, and Chip) are "on the job" and determined to solve the real mystery: what's the deal with Butch's magic hat?

As has been reiterated many, many times, the Mihmiverse is only made possible by contributions from fans like you. For each $20.00 donation, all contributors will be entitled to having a single name* of their choosing listed in the contributors section of the closing credits of the film and a customized, frame-able document certifying their contribution!

IMPORTANT! Physical media copies of the finished film are NOT automatically included with a basic contribution. If you would like to be guaranteed a DVD or Blu-Ray of the film when it is released, you MUST order it separately (with the purchase of at least one credit)!

Credits can even be given as gifts! Imagine the looks on the faces of your loved ones when they find out their names will be immortalized on the silver screen!

"The Phantom Lake Kids in The Day The Earth Abruptly Almost Ended"
Separate credits by commas, & or "and." 
DVDS (+$10 each)
BLU-RAYS (+$20 each)
Is your mailing address outside of the U.S.?
(All non-U.S. mailing addresses will be charged a shipping premium for physical media.)


NOTE: If you purchase one of the following credits, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will contact you shortly after to discuss your purchase!

Associate producers will earn IMDb and on-screen credits and will be allowed certain privileges of producership, including free, exclusive merchandise and other perks (TBD).
Executive producers will earn IMDb and on-screen credits and will be allowed certain privileges of producership, including free, exclusive merchandise, set visits, and other perks (TBD).

*A single credit is defined as the name of one (1) person or corporate entity. Any credit requiring the word "and," an ampersand (&), and/or a comma (except when part of a legal company name) will constitute multiple credits and MUST BE paid for separately.

NOTE: The contributor program is an "equal exchange" program, which means specifically that those participating have NO SAY in the decisions or actions taken by anyone involved in the actual production of the film and are NOT entitled to ANY possible future profits earned by the film, derivative works, and/or merchandise created for or featuring elements from the film. Becoming an contributor does not entitle the participant to ANY ownership WHATSOEVER of the finished film or associated elements.


When a local man is suspected of having been transformed into a hideous monster, it's up to a scrappy gang of local kids (Danny & Evelyn Johnson, Butch, Chip, and their friend Billy Blue) to uncover the truth and save Phantom Lake County—and everyone in it—from certain doom in writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's tribute to the creature-features of the 1950s, the history of the Mihmiverse, and "Scooby Doo!"

The disc contains a high quality digital transfer of the film and several exclusive special features, including a blooper reel, two photo galleries, feature-length commentary with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, English subtitles, Esperanto audio & subtitles and much more!

Feature Run Time: 1 hour, 19 minutes. Black & White, Widescreen, NOT RATED.

IMPORTANT! This item is pre-order only. All orders will ship on or around September 3rd, 2021!

$9.99 (DVD) / $19.99 (Blu-Ray)
(+$4.99 shipping & handling)

Check here if the shipping address is outside of the U.S.
Check here to include writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's autograph
NOTE: Autographs require removal of a disc's protective plastic wrap.
By selecting this option, you agree to allow us to do this!


Own a signed copy of the official Mihmiverse promotional photo taken by Christi Jean Williams (Mrs. Davis in "Queen of Snakes") of Grinkie Photography!

Every 8x10 photo will personally be signed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm! Order NOW!

Signed Mihmiverse Monsters 8" x 10" Photo
$6.99ON SALE!
(+$1.99 shipping & handling)
The latest episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast has arrived!

This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm discusses the release of "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us," updates the status of current projects, and frets about when and where the Mihmiverse may ultimately end!

Also included: The third installment in the new audiocast segment, "An Oral History of the Mihmiverse," with this episode recounting stories from the making of the first film, "The Monster of Phantom Lake!"

To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit archive.org where the file is stored, or download it free from Apple Podcasts!

Otherwise, if you'd like to listen to the episode right from this browser window, click the play button on the player below!

The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and is focused specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse. In addition, Mr. Mihm will discuss the monster movie-making process, touch briefly on the future of the 'verse, pontificate on random subjects, and be joined by guests from within and without the Mihmiverse. PLUS, each episode will include something unique you won't find anywhere else!

Welcome to the Mihmiverse Monthly feature where we talk to YOU, the fans! Every month, we choose a random Mihmivite and ask them a few Mihmiverse-related questions in an attempt to get to know them better and find out what they REALLY think about the films of Christopher R. Mihm!

This month, we interview Mike Moroski!

Introduce yourself to the Mihmiverse!
My name is Mike Moroski and I work on public health policy and serve on the public school board in Cincinnati, Ohio. I am also a singer/songwriter and a huge fan of comics, films, and music. As far as films are concerned, horror is absolutely my favorite genre—all kinds of horror—from the campy and silly to the downright keep-you-up-at-night terrifying—and everything in between.

When and how did you discover the films of Christopher R. Mihm?
I first discovered the brilliance of Christopher R. Mihm on March 24th, 2019 (I refer to this date as my "Mihmiversary," and have celebrated it the past two years). My wife was out of town and I got really sick. Like, pneumonia-level sick. When I get sick I turn to things that comfort me like Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup, orange juice, beef jerky, and old school horror films (think "White Zombie," "House on Haunted Hill," "Creature from the Black Lagoon," etc.). Anyway, as I was scrolling I saw "The Giant Spider" and was intrigued for two reasons: 1) Spiders freak me out, and 2) I love "Arachnophobia."

Anyway, I did not realize it was a NEW film until I was about halfway through. Then I discovered the guy who directed it had MORE films. I ended up watching every film Amazon had on their streaming service in two days (insert editorial aside that Amazon is the worst and needs to put Mihm back on there and stop picking on real artists). As I did, I started to notice loose similarities. Then it hit me that these films were part of a larger universe of films! I then bought every film and have seen them all 4 to 5 times a piece!

If you had to pick just ONE, which of the Mihmiverse films would be your favorite? This is really difficult for me. It's like asking, "Who is your favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and why?" The answer changes with the seasons, with your mood, with time! All the films are so good. Anyway, unnecessary caveat aside, I will settle on...hmm...please realize this is just for today and this moment...no disrespect to the other films..."House of Ghosts." My why? Well, Mihm's intro is absolutely hilarious with the subliminal messages. Additionally, I love William Castle and Mihm just nails this homage. I also dig the appearance of Mihm's very own General Castle at the end. A cool twist. All of the characters are just so good and well-written. And who doesn't love a good Deputy Hayes cameo?!?!

Tell us how you, in particular, show your "Mihmiverse pride!"
I am an unabashed superfan of the Mihmiverse. As you can see in my picture I am also a collector. I preach the 'verse to anyone who will listen. I post about the films all the time, and I do my best to bring people into the bright and warm light of the Mihmiverse. I wear my t-shirts when I play gigs (the TERROR t-shirt from "Terror from Beneath the Earth" is the best), and I am always ready to support Mr. Mihm in his next endeavor. My wife, son, and I are all contributors to his films, and we will continue to contribute as long as he is making films.

Where would you like to see the Mihmiverse go in the future?
Honestly, wherever Christopher R. Mihm wants to take it. I have rarely trusted a director as much as I trust Mihm's vision. In this way, I put him up there with Tarentino and Burton. He knows what he is doing, and I like watching the evolution take place at his direction. If anything, I'd love to see Professor/Director/Captain Jackson come back at some point. Maybe President Jackson can make an appearance? But really, this is Christopher R. Mihm's world and we are just living in—and watching—it. And yet, how special that we are all included in so many ways in the man's DIY vision. I am most grateful to have found Mihm—his films truly do help to equalize the stress of daily living in a world that could stand to lighten up, have some fun, and be kinder. The Mihmiverse reminds us all of those important things.
Want to be interviewed for a future edition of the Mihmiverse Fan Focus? Send an email to info@sainteuphoria.com and let us know! Maybe next month the subject will be YOU!
House Rules!

There are dozens of "Haunted House" movies out there...but this month, we're featuring 4 slices of cheese that actually had "House" in the title! All of them were produced between 1958 and 1974. Can you match the titles with the plots?

1. "Terror in the Haunted House" (1958)
2. "The House on Haunted Hill" (1959)
3. "Hillbillies in a Haunted House" (1967)
4. "The House That Wouldn't Die" (1970)
5. "The House of Seven Corpses" (1974)

A. An eccentric Millionaire invites five people over for a haunted house party. Terror ensues. William Castle directs. Vincent Price stars.
B. A director decides to film a movie in a haunted house and an actress accidentally awakens a demon who kills just about everyone involved. John Carradine is part of the cast.
C. This TV movie centers around a house haunted by spirits from the Revolutionary War. A woman and her niece are possessed by these spirits and an ancient scandal is revived. The cast includes Barbara Stanwyck.
D. Newlyweds move into a house that has been the cause recurring nightmares for the bride and has haunted the groom for generations. The film is one of only two shot in "Psychorama," which involved subliminal messages.
E. This one involves a haunted house that's not really haunted. It's actually the hideout for a group of spies working on a secret recipe for rocket fuel. Lon Cheney, Jr., Basil Rathbone and John Carradine top the cast.
Scroll to the bottom of the Mihmiverse Monthly for the answers.
— Mike Cook
Attack of the 50-Ft. Woman (1958)
Directed by Nathan Juran
Starring Allison Hayes and William Hudson

In what is one of the greatest "good bad" films of the 1950's, Allison Hayes gives a tour-de-force performance as the title character: a scorned heiress who, after a chance encounter with a giant alien, inexplicably grows to colossal proportions and gets her ultimate revenge! The special effects in the film are definitely NOT up to modern standards (heck, they're below the standards of 1958!), but they have a charm that is impossible to replicate on purpose! The film is barely an hour and five minutes long, so you're never given a chance to get bored. It's a fun, exploitative example of the particular era of B-grade filmmaking to which I have spent my entire filmmaking career paying homage. As a result, whenever I see this film I can't stop imagining about how great it'd be to remake it (ignore the 1993 made-for-TV Daryl Hannah version) starring recurring Mihmiverse actors Shannon McDonough and Daniel R. Sjerven! I cannot recommend this beautiful piece of late mid-century drive-in cinema enough!
— Christopher R. Mihm
If you're like most people these days, you tend to stream your favorite TV shows and movies, particularly because it's way more convenient and you have access to them in more places! Did you know that there are now several places to stream the entire Mihmiverse catalog?

From the movie that started it all, "The Monster of Phantom Lake," to its musical offshoot, "The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!," and "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us," everything you need to "visit" the denizens of Phantom Lake County is available for your streaming pleasure!

Most of the films of the Mihmiverse are available on Amazon Video. Sadly, as Amazon continues to revise and rewrite its policies, they have—without notice—downgraded the entire Mihmiverse catalog from "available with Prime" to rental only. Though this wasn't entirely unexpected, given the way the service has been slowly ridding itself of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, we CANNOT guarantee that they will still be there on any given day! So, if Amazon is your preferred place to watch the Mihmiverse, enjoy it while it lasts!

UPDATE: As of the date of the publication of this newsletter, Amazon has (again, without explanation) barred writer/director Christopher R. Mihm from adding any new films to their service. As far as we have been able to figure out, the service is taking a more "curated" approach to its catalog and, unfortunately, does not have any more room for the cheesy goodness of the Mihmiverse!

Drive-in Monsters is the official Mihmiverse Roku channel and the place to find all the films of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm—in addition to a collection of special features curated by the man himself! It is Mr. Mihm's plan to add some really cool, exclusive content over time, so we encourage you to add the channel to your Roku lineup. To find the Drive-in Monsters channel, simply search for it through your Roku service!

As of right now, the service is free... but, that most likely will not last forever! So make sure to enjoy the Drive-in Monsters Roku channel while it's still completely free of charge!

Lastly, the ENTIRE filmography of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm (including the newest film, "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us") is available through the Mihmiverse Vimeo VOD portal!

Every film is presented using the same ultra high-quality renders used for the official Blu-Ray releases and actually feeds video content to the Drive-in Monsters Roku channel. Most importantly, the Mihmiverse Vimeo VOD portal is the ONLY PLACE to legally own the films digitally!
Mihmiverse DVDs & Blu-Rays are now available at SaintEuphoria.com, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm. In addition, exclusive movie posters, collectibles and other merchandise are now in stock. Everything is available in extremely limited quantities, so get yours today before they run out!
The Trivia Corner answers: 1-D, 2-A, 3-E, 4-C, 5-B

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Saint Euphoria LLC 2021

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