Welcome to the eleventh annual Mihmiverse Holiday Gift Guide! With the holidays creeping up quickly, we created this handy guide to highlight all of the unique stuff out there that is either related to the films of the Mihmiverse or made by the great folks associated with the films' creation!
With the craziness that's been this past year (can you believe we're almost done with it?!), NOW is the time to safely finish up your holiday shopping! This is your chance to make sure everyone on your listparticularly those cheesy-monster-movie-loving friends and relatives who would appreciate their stockings stuffed with the Mihmiverseget EXACTLY what they want!
For the last few years, the staff of
SaintEuphoria.com and writer/director Christopher R. Mihm have teamed up to add a little extra fun to the holiday season by offering exclusive
Mihmiverse Mystery Boxes. Since we started making these, they have consistently
SOLD OUT quickly!
Only a handful of people in the world know what's inside each mysterious box, but that's the entire point! Just as in the past, we guarantee the 2021 edition be filled with cool Mihmiverse-related gifts and exclusive collectibles
PERFECT for the biggest Mihmivites in your life!
2021 Mihmiverse Mystery Boxes are available in
EXTREMELY limited quantities, will only be on sale for a very short period of time, and once they're gone...there won't any more this year! Want to find out what's in the box? The only way is to order one!
Back by popular demand, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has designed a brand new, full-sized (8.5" x 11"), 12-month wall calendar for 2022!
This year's theme is "Visit the Mihmiverse!" Each month includes a different retro-styled, old-school travel poster for the many recognizable locations featured in the films of Christopher R. Mihm (and the monsters associated with them). These include The Wisawa Caves, Phantom Lake, New Berlin, and more!
AND, as always, every calendar will be individually numbered and personally signed by Mr. Mihm himself!
As in previous years, this Mihmiverse-inspired wall calendar is available in
EXTREMELY limited quantities (less than 50 were produced) and, once they're gone, they will
NEVER reprinted!
As of the publication of this newsletter, we only have a handful left, so
For the first time
EVER, the full set of 17 Mihmiverse DVDs is available for a special price of only $99.99a savings of more than 40% if you were to buy them individually!
From the first Mihmiverse movie, "
The Monster of Phantom Lake," through the just-released "
The Mihmiverse Holiday Special," this exclusive set includes everything ever released by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, including the 2017 performance DVD of "
The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!"
With the ongoing pandemic, the safest and easiest way to get your shopping done is to do it as remotely as possible. Luckily, for all your cheesy-monster-movie-loving friends and family members, the entire Mihmiverse catalog of films and related collectibles are available RIGHT NOW for mail order!
From the finally-back-in-stock DVD of "The Monster of Phantom Lake" (pictured here) to Blu-Rays of the latest releases, "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us" and "The Mihmiverse Holiday Special," the films of the Mihmiverse make great gifts and are a welcome escape from the constant chaos that is the current state of the world. PLUS, nothing says "I actually took the time to think about your gift" than a personally signed copy of one (or all) of the films of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm!
The following list includes every DVD and/or Blu-Ray we have in stock! DVDs cost $9.99 each and Blu-Rays are $19.99 each. Shipping to all U.S. addresses starts at $4.99 for one item (either format) and $1.99 for each additional item. Additional fees apply for all orders shipped outside of the United States.
The Mihmiverse now has its very own card game!
As a "Pandemic Project," Mihmiverse super-fan Barry Perkins (who appeared as a townsperson in "
The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us" and designed & built the St. Euphoria Cemetery seen in the film), has, with the assistance of the rest of the Perkins clan, created a card game based on the films of Christopher R. Mihm: "
The Last Mihm Standing!"
The game is made up of 71 cards inspired by all 17 films (and one musical), tokens for keeping track of certain events, an instruction book, and a die (because sometimes it's better to be lucky than good). Players take turns using cards to do things like releasing a giant spider to attack their opponents, asking "Basement Jesus" to watch over them, or just hiding out in an admittedly-familiar looking forest.
It's a Battle Royale where you win by being the only person not to losealthough, if you're clever enough, you might find a loophole around that! Knowledge of the Mihmiverse is not needed to play the game, but the cards are clearly written by a fan... for the fans.
This game has been professionally manufactured and is now available in
EXTREMELY limited quantities! Get yours
NOW while supplies last!
You can now own a copy of the official Mihmiverse promotional photo taken by Christi Jean Williams (Mrs. Davis in "
Queen of Snakes") of
Grinkie Photography!
Every 8x10 photo will personally be signed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm! Order
$9.99 each
(+$2.99 shipping & handling)
"'Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy' reads like a lost Universal monster movie, and I'm very proud to have Mr. Sullivan playing around in my creative sandbox. Fans of my films and those who love classic monsters are in for a real treat, and I sincerely hope this is only the first of many Canoe Cops stories to come!" Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm
An Egyptian mummy rises from the depths to wreak havoc upon the sleepy Wisconsin town of Phantom Lake. Now, only the bravest Canoe Cops, led by Lieutenant Richard Agar, and auxiliary Paddle Girl (and expert diver) Julie Browning stand between their city and the mummy's deadly curse!
Stephen D. Sullivan is the author of more than fifty books and has worked on countless comics and games. His past projects include "Iron Man," "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," "Dungeons & Dragons" and "Star Wars." Steve's adaptation of the cult classic "Manos: The Hands of Fate" won the prestigious Scribe Award for Best Adapted Novel, 2016.
Now that "
The Mihmiverse Holiday Special" is finally out, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm is focusing solely on the
NEXT Mihmiverse movie, "
The Phantom Lake Kids in The Day the Earth Abruptly Almost Ended!"
In "
The Phantom Lake Kids in The Day The Earth Abruptly Almost Ended," Phantom Lake County is shaken by inexplicable earthquakes emanating from a local system of caves and being overrun by grossly mutated creatures of unusual sizea phenomenon which may point to the return of a long-since-forgotten menace! Thankfully, the Phantom Lake Kids (Danny & Evelyn Johnson and their friends Billy Blue, Butch, and Chip) are "on the job" and determined to solve the real mystery: what's the deal with Butch's magic hat?
The Mihmiverse is only made possible by
contributions from fans like you. For each $20.00 donation, all
contributors will be entitled to having a single name
* of their choosing listed in the
contributors section of the closing credits of the film and a customized, frame-able document certifying their
Physical media copies of the finished film are
NOT automatically included with a basic
contribution. If you would like to be guaranteed a DVD or Blu-Ray of the film when it is released, you
MUST order it separately (with the purchase of at least one credit)!
REMEMBER! Credits can be given as gifts! Imagine the looks on the faces of your loved ones when they find out their names will be immortalized on the silver screen!
PLUS, order before December 20th and you'll receive a special, perfect-for-framing-and-wrapping, hand-signed letter from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm himself!
"The Phantom Lake Kids in The Day The Earth Abruptly Almost Ended" INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTOR CREDITS |
*ON-SCREEN CREDIT(S) Separate credits by commas, & or "and."
DVDS (+$10 each)
BLU-RAYS (+$20 each)
Is your mailing address outside of the U.S.?
(All non-U.S. mailing addresses will be charged a shipping premium for physical media.)
NOTE: If you purchase one of the following credits, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will contact you shortly after to discuss your purchase!
*A single credit is defined as the name of one (1) person or corporate entity. Any credit requiring the word "and," an ampersand (&), and/or a comma (except when part of a legal company name) will constitute multiple credits and MUST BE paid for separately.
NOTE: The contributor program is an "equal exchange" program, which means specifically that those participating have NO SAY in the decisions or actions taken by anyone involved in the actual production of the film and are NOT entitled to ANY possible future profits earned by the film, derivative works, and/or merchandise created for or featuring elements from the film. Becoming an contributor does not entitle the participant to ANY ownership WHATSOEVER of the finished film or associated elements.
In addition to all the amazing Mihmiverse-related gifts featured in this month's
Mihmiverse Monthly, the
merchandise page at
SaintEuphoria.com is full of other exclusive collectibles for every discerning Mihmivite!
From "Steve People" puppets handmade by the same person who created all the puppets used in "
Danny Johnson Saves The World," to posters, stuffed animals and more, the
ONLY place to get officially sanctioned Mihmiverse merchandise is at
SaintEuphoria.com, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm!
Visit the
merchandise page at
SaintEuphoria.com to get
EVERYTHING you'll need to fill the stockings of every Mihmiverse fan in your family and circle of friends!
Since the films of Christopher R. Mihm have existed for over 15 years, we figured digging into them would make for an entertaining addition to this newsletter! Thus, in this new section, aptly titled
This Month in Mihmiverse History, we'll traipse through "days of Mihmiverse past" and present some of the most interesting events!
A Canoe Cops movie entitled "
The Canoe Cops in Curse of the Haunted Isle" was announced in July of 2007... and unceremoniously canceled in December of the same year due to scheduling conflicts! This is the closest the world ever got to a stand-alone Canoe Cops film.
The first
Mihmiverse Holiday Gift Guide appeared in the
Phantom Lake Almanac newsletter (the precursor to the
Mihmiverse Monthly") in December of 2010.
To celebrate the forthcoming release of "
House of Ghosts," a special "Open House of Ghosts" party was held at the end of December 2011 in the house where it was filmed. The photo below was taken at the event and includes three of the film's stars, Stephanie Mihm (Ursula), Anthony Kaczor (Piers), and Sid Korpi (Leigh), as well as writer/director Christopher R. Mihm.
Principal photography of "
The Late Night Double Feature" wrapped up a few days short of Christmas in 2013. The last scene to be shot ended up being the first in the "
The Wall People" half of the film and involved young David Mihm (who is more recognizable now as Butch from the Phantom Lake Kids movies) sleeping in bed as the hands of the evil space witch close in on him!
The pool of Mihmiverse actors expanded at the end of December 2016 when writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm, and actor Douglas Sidney held the first open audition since 2007 for unfilled roles in "
Demon with the Atomic Brain." The last person to show up was Tyler Haines, who got in at the
VERY last minute as the crew was packing up for the night! Needless to say, his audition was a success and, in addition to landing the part of Agar in the film, he went on to appear as The Unnamed Man in "
Guns of the Apocalypse" and Dr. Hallen in "
The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us!"
The latest episode of the
Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast has arrived!
This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm talks about what keeps him motivated to make cheesy movies, explains why you should watch "
The Mihmiverse Holiday Special," and hints at his future retirement plans!
Also included: The next installment in "
An Oral History of the Mihmiverse," the return of "
Atomic Tales," a monthly short story from the author of "
The Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy," Stephen D. Sullivan, and another joke from Dr. Bob Tesla of
Midnight Monster Movies with Dr. Bob!
To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click
HERE, visit
archive.org where the file is stored, or download it free from
Apple Podcasts!
Otherwise, if you'd like to listen to the episode right from this browser window, click the play button on the player below!
Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and is focused specifically on what's going on
RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse. In addition, Mr. Mihm will discuss the monster movie-making process, touch briefly on the future of the 'verse, pontificate on random subjects, and be joined by guests from within and without the Mihmiverse.
PLUS, each episode will include something unique you won't find anywhere else!
Oh, Brother!
This month, we salute Minnesota's own Aurness brothers. You may know them better as James Arness and Peter Graves. Both would eventually become famous thanks to "
Gunsmoke" (James) and "
Mission Impossible/
Airplane" (Peter).
Back in the '50s, however, both brothers appeared in some pretty cheesy science fiction films. Below, I've listed 7 titles with short plot descriptions in the "Kitty," and your mission, should you decide to accept it, (See what I did there?) is to figure out which brother appeared in each film.
1. (1951) "Two Lost Worlds." Pirates, the farmer's daughter, Australia, and dinosaurs!
2. (1951) "The Thing From Another World." Scientists and the Air Force fight a deadly organism in the Arctic.
3. (1952) "Red Planet Mars." A scientist makes contact with the red planet and struggles with the political, economic and spiritual repercussions.
4. (1954) "Killers From Space." After being injured in a plane crash, a scientist claims he was abducted by aliens.
5. (1954) "Them!" Giant man-eating ants! Need I say more?
6. (1956) "It Conquered the World." A well-meaning scientist guides a native of Venus to Earth to help rid us of feelings and emotions. Not a good idea.
7. (1957) "
The Beginning of the End." Giant grasshoppers attack Chicago! Cubs finish in the basement. (That last part has nothing to do with the film.)
Scroll to the bottom of the Mihmiverse Monthly for the answers.
Mike Cook
This Island Earth (1955)
Directed by
Joseph M. NewmanStarring
Jeff Morrow and
After Dr. Cal Meacham builds an impossibly complex
otherworldly device called an interocitor (directly referenced in writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's "
Attack of the Moon Zombies"),
it's revealed that the process of successfully building such a machine is nothing but an intelligence test. As a result of
passing, Dr. Meacham is invited by a not-quite-human-looking being named Exeter to join
other great scientists at a remote site for a special research
project dealing with atomic energy. Mystery and intrigue follow as Dr. Meacham and two fellow
scientists played by "
It Came From Beneath The
Sea's" Faith Domerque and Russell Johnson (the professor from "
Island") team up to discover the truth behind Exeter's research project and the enigmatic leader's
extraterrestrial origins. Incredible period special effects (some of the best of the era), a
strong cast, some truly creepy moments, memorably cheesy alien
costumes (the Metaluna mutant creature has since become iconic) and an all-too-quick ending make this an example
of 1950s science fiction as its finest. "
This Island Earth" also has the distinction of being one of the last films
made in Technicolor! One of my all-time favorite films!
Christopher R. Mihm
If you're like most people these days, you tend to stream your favorite TV shows and movies, particularly because it's way more convenient and you have access to them in more places! Did you know that there are now several places to stream the entire Mihmiverse catalog?
From the movie that started it all, "
The Monster of Phantom Lake," to its musical offshoot, "
The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!," and "
The Mihmiverse Holiday Special," everything you need to "visit" the denizens of Phantom Lake County is available for your streaming pleasure!
ENTIRE filmography of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm (including the just-released "
The Mihmiverse Holiday Special") is available through the Mihmiverse
Vimeo VOD portal!
Every film is presented using the same ultra high-quality renders used for the official Blu-Ray releases and actually feeds video content to the
Drive-in Monsters Roku channel. Most importantly, the Mihmiverse
Vimeo VOD portal is the
ONLY PLACE to legally own the films digitally!
Retro-style monster movies from the wild & weird imagination of cult filmmaker Christopher R. Mihm! From giant, rampaging spiders to alien invasions and bug-eyed horrors, the
Drive-in Monsters channel includes the entire catalog of Mr. Mihm's films, exclusive extras, and long lost special features originally released on currently out-of-print physical media! Explore the worldwide, underground cult phenomenon known as the "Mihmiverse" and enjoy the rebirth of the golden age of "drive-in cinema" with the
Drive-in Monsters channel!
As of right now, the channel is free... but, that most likely will not last forever! So make sure to enjoy the
Drive-in Monsters Roku channel while it's still completely free of charge!
Most of the films of the Mihmiverse are available on Amazon Video. Sadly, as Amazon continues to revise and rewrite its policies, they have downgraded the entire Mihmiverse catalog from "available with Prime" to rental only. Though this wasn't entirely unexpectedgiven the way the service has been slowly ridding itself of the films of Christopher R. Mihmwe
CANNOT guarantee they will still be there on any given day! So, if Amazon is your preferred place to watch the Mihmiverse, enjoy it while it lasts!
NOTE: Amazon has barred writer/director Christopher R. Mihm (and
MANY other independent filmmakers) from adding any new films to their service. As far as we have been able to figure out, the service is taking a more "curated" approach to its catalog and, unfortunately, does not have any more room for the cheesy goodness of the Mihmiverse! Therefore, if you're interested in watching the newest films of the Mihmiverse, we highly recommend checking out the Mihmiverse Roku channel,
Drive-in Monsters!

Mihmiverse DVDs & Blu-Rays are now available at
SaintEuphoria.com, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm. In addition, exclusive movie posters, collectibles and other merchandise are now in stock. Everything is available in extremely limited quantities, so get yours today before they run out!
The Trivia Corner answers: 1, 2, 5 (Arness) 3, 4, 6, 7 (Graves)
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Saint Euphoria LLC 2021
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