The Mihmiverse Holiday Special
DVD & Blu-Ray / download / trailer
Released November 24th, 2021 — 39 minutes, black & white, not rated
The Mihmiverse Holiday Special

Steve has gone missing but, luckily, his loyal sidekick (and nephew) Stu knows EXACTLY what to do to find someone who can help locate his uncle: get human help! Unfortunately, Stu has no idea what a human is! BUT he knows he can find out by locating Steve's old friend, Danny Johnson—or the next best thing, Danny's sister Evelyn (Alice Mihm)! With Evelyn's help, Stu embarks on a wild adventure that takes him from outer space to the North Pole and several exotic points in-between to do battle with an old nemesis, meet up with one of the most legendary holiday characters on Earth, and celebrate the joys of the holiday season!

Written, directed, and edited by Christopher R. Mihm

Produced by Christopher R. Mihm and Stephanie Mihm

Alice Mihm
  Stephanie Mihm
An Old Adversary
Elliott Mihm
  Christopher R. Mihm
Steve / Santa Claus
Emily Breuch
  Caleb Frank
Evil Snowman


Bev Adair, Roger Adair, Tina Adair, Donna Adams, Kev Adams, ALL-CON Dallas, Bob Arndt, BABALICIOUS, Joseph Barth IV, Kaity Belter, Leo Belter, Maggie Belter, Mary Belter, Patrick Shawn Bennett, Louisiana Marty Benoit, Barrett Brock, Sara Brock, Bruce the Alien, Bunch of Crazies, Richard and Karla Chamberlain, Ronald Clang, Todd Clasen, Jason Coffman, Michael Cross, Russ Davis, Silent Partner Bart de Boisblanc, Callie Deno, Fern & Curt Deno, Ben Doran, Anon Emouse, Evil Snowman, Craig and Ann and Kari and Kyle Finseth, Flynn Brothers Studios, Daniel K. Flynn, Liam M. Flynn, Peter K. Flynn, Free (Mars), Aaron Gallaway, Marisa Gennace, Joseph George & The George Family, Good Beer Bad Movie Night Podcast, Robert Goodrick "The Premiere Mihmiverse Cosplayer" and the illustrious Charizard,, Ann Gressman, Rick "The Destroyer" Hayden, James Hollaman, Rick Hutchins, Allison Isensee, Chris Isensee, Emily Isensee, Katie Isensee, Iliana Meadow Jones, Micheal "Bompa" Jones, Scott & Lisa Jones, The Kings, Gavin Kroll, David Lund, Jesse Knepper, John Madigan, Isaiah Marin, Lee A. Marohn, Brandis Martin, C.D. "Ozone" Messer, Arlan Meyer, The Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast, MODALE, Mike Moroski, Cosmo Morris, Matt Morrison of, Matt Nehls, Monica Nehls, Jim & Linda Norgard, Not Suitable For Anyone Podcast, Joe Outlaw, Jeff Owens, John Parascandola, Your "My Perception of Reality Is Far From Flawless" Buddy, MWP, FMB, Zachary Alexander Pavesic, Ann Perkins, Barry Perkins, Jennifer Perkins, Ms. Theresa Perkins, Diane Perrault, Mike Plows, Gary and Julie Rizner, RJDiogenes, Michael R. Sanchez, Nancy Sealover, Sean "Shadow Wolf" Shukoski, Ali Simpson, Russ Simpson, Frank P. "Back to the '60s" Skinner, Spike, SQUARESHOOTER, Karen Streif, Vince Streif, Stephen D. Sullivan, Thanks for "Le Bad" Memories, Dwight Lee Thompson Jr., Bob Vorhies, Christopher T. Young, and In Loving Memory of Jenn "Midnight" Perkins

© Saint Euphoria Pictures / All For George Productions