Bev & Roger Adair, Susan E. Adamski, ALL-CON Dallas, Bob Arndt, Lawrence Barker, Beck Family Canoe, Denise Margaret Behringer, Kaity Belter, Leo Belter, Maggie Belter, Mary Belter, Patrick Shawn Bennett, Louisiana Marty Benoit, Boogie, #BrennaStrong, Mark Broshar, "The Were-Owl" Ian Brost, Ellen Brouwer, Bruce the Alien, Roy Buckingham, Bunch of Crazies, Cassie's Corvallis Crew, Ronald Clang,, Jason Coffman, The Cokrz Gang & Charlie's Angels, Colorado Festival of Horror (, Thomas L Couture, Michael Cross, Dammit Donna!, Russ Davis, Dan Dittmer, Ben Doran, Deadeye Dugun, justin & david DUMOND-SHAW, Robert Dunkelberger, Toby Elgie, Craig and Ann Finseth, Daniel K. Flynn, Liam M. Flynn, Peter K. Flynn, Robert Forto, Michael & Sharon Fraley, Free: Mars, Freyja & Sif the Viking dogs, Aaron Gallaway, Joseph George, Mario Giguere, Bob, Mel and Gwynnever Gilbert, Robert, Charisa, and Zachary Goodrick, Michelle T. Goubeaux,, Steven Hager, Payton Harris, Taylor Harris, Mrs. Sheriff Hayes, Gene Hinze, Caleb Hollar, Princess Lily Hrbacek, Rick Hutchins, Allison Isensee, Chris Isensee, Emily Isensee, Katie Isensee, Cyndy Jerde, Billy Johnson, Nick Johnson, Micheal "Bompa" Jones, Kenneth Joseph, Andy Kemmerer, Paul Gerard Kennedy, killertomatoes, Jesse Knepper, Derek M. Koch, Lexi Koch, Gavin Kroll, Alan David Laska, Tony Laundrie, David Lund, Isaiah Marin, Lee A. Marohn, Brandis Martin, Steph & Buck McCoskey, Timothy Meinke, Kensley Lillian Miller, Raymond Miller, Minnesota Esperanto Association,
Monster Movie Kid, The Montz Family, Marie Morgan, Mike Moroski, Matt "Starman" Morrison, Yvette, Rafael & Ryan Nevares, Craig Nicko, Jim and Linda Norgard, Lindsay O'Leary, Jess and Linda Oliver, Joe Outlaw, Christopher Page, Wanda Parker, Ann Perkins, Barry Perkins, Colton "Three Barns" Perkins, Jennifer Perkins, Raven "No, Four Barns" Perkins, Ms. Theresa Perkins, Diane Perrault, Mike Plows, Pete Quint, Emilio Reitano, Filippo Reitano, Thomas X Replogle, Kay Reynolds, James Rhoades, Jivin' (we miss you) Jerald Richards, Average Joe Richards, Mysterious Marian Richards, Mad Mark Richards, Reckless Rachel (Ratchild) Richards, Tormenting Timothy Richards, RJDiogenes, Christopher Ryan, Michael Ryan, Thomas Samuel, Michael R. Sanchez, Pamela Sedgwick-Barker, Michael and Peggy Shelton, Sean "Shadow Wolf" Shukoski, Frank "Beatles Forever" Skinner, The Sprawl Library, David Strege, Karen Streif, Vince Streif, Stephen D. Sullivan, Dwight Lee Thompson Jr.,
The Time Shifters Podcast, Thomas K. Trocke, Michael Vieths, Sally Vorhies, Chad Walstrom, Richard & Brenda Weber, Les "Light On. Light Off. Repeat" Webster, Weird Jesus, Christopher T. Young & P.H. Bill, In Memory of Bruno "The Pitbull from Outer Space," In Memory of Diamond Dan 4-23-19, In memory of Travis George, In memory of Randee Chafkin Parascandola, In Loving Memory of Jenn "Midnight" Perkins, and Thanks to Ruby-Spears & Hanna-Barbera & Fred Silverman